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Friday, July 23, 2010


Andres Serrano is a "shock artist", a photographer who captures uncomfortable, distressing, sometimes inciteful images. Naturally, I thought one of his photos would make a great piece for the annotation project.
There was one piece I was already familiar with, but I thought maybe there was another equally provacative image that I'd rather write about. There are. Many. Unfortunately for me, Mr. Serrano has many works that are deserving of the adjective "shocking". I thought I was tough to shock.

I'm not.

It was the morgue pictures that got me.


I wrote a friend an email to try to let go of what I saw. it worked, but only for a moment. As soon as I hit send I was flashing the images in my head, again and again and again.

I meant to get an assignment done, but now I am just in tears.... which means two things:
I won't get anything done tonight.... except crying/ watching comedy central to stop crying
I HAVE TO do my annotation on an Andres Serrano piece. Just not one of those

1 comment:

  1. I WANT to Google him and I WANT to see his work, but like I said, you can't unring that bell. I just can't do it.

