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Thursday, June 17, 2010

How about it...

What to write?... What to write?...What to write?

I told a friend I planned to write about my pregnancy with my son and going through a breakup at the same time. My friend said, "everyone writes about breakups."

"Yes, but not a pregnant breakup!" I argued

He suggested I write, instead, of how my relationship with my daughter has changed since my son was born. Yes, I'm sure more "readers" would be able to relate to that situation. But, here's the thing...if I write about pregnancy I get to throw around biology terms and "use" them to kind of "back up" the emlotional element (if I can pull that off!)

so, we'll see. I'm going to get started "researching" and see what comes up.


  1. Not sure it helps, but remember that you have *hundreds* (at least!) of possible essays in your life. Just let yourself live with a bunch of ideas for a while until one of them tugs at you and demands to be written about. Writing teacher Donald Murray (I think he was the one) called it an "itch" that demands to be scratched. (Don't worry too much about what's been written about before...)

  2. Thanks Holly... it's funny you should say that, because i just blogged about that "itch".. i mean, i called it a lump, but I think they're cousins :)
    Thank you so much for the guidance. The video was very helpful
